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Linda Abraham (Griffin)
William Angerbrandt
Patricia (Patty) Avery (No…)
Thomas Bailey
Barbara Barnby (LePla)
Bradley Barrett
Wesley Barry
Peggy Becker (Zick)
Karen Blizzard (Angerbrandt)
Daniel Boughner
Lorolie Brown (Andrews)
Robert Bunch
Adele Campbell (Curnow)
James Chamberlain
John Cooper
Ruthette Cressman (Mills)
Ruth Damaschke (Jackson)
Melba Daniels (Moss)
Bonnie Dickinson (DeShon)
Warren Eastman
William Eastman
Karen Ernst (Rich)
Charles Foster
Jack Foster
Diane Fuller (ONeill)
Dianna German (Maxwell)
Robert Gillette
Karen Greene (Kress)
Roger Harris
Linda Harrison (Smith)
Marsha Hayden (Larson)
Barbara (Sue) Henry (Lohr)
Patrick Henry
Paula Hool (Bothwell)
Louise Hoskins (Diamond)
Beverly Hyde (Guyette)
Wanda Hyde (Helmrich)
William Ingles
Laurie Irwin
Larry Jamison
Daniel Jex
Robert Johnston
Dennis Jones
Mary Kirkendall (Whaling)
Cheryl LaMotte (Wahl)
Wayne LePiors
Theresa Loane (Doan)
Gregory Loewenthal
Jacqueline London (McNaughton)
Daniel Luebke
Belinda Martin (Demond)
Oliver McAuley
Donald McCulloch
Martha McNaughton (Yeates)
Frank Mitchell
Nancy Morauski
Mike Moretz
Frederick Morrison
James Nichols
Dennis Nicholson
Gloria Payne (Smith)
Gail Perkins (Nichols)
Marilyn Reeves (Willis)
Kirk Renno
Vicki Rice (Heino)
Christine Riehl (Assi)
Robert Rodegeb
Andrew Rosales
Gary Rowe
Colin Rumsey
Daniel Schmidt
Sheryl Schreiner (Smith)
William Sendzik
Carol Sloan (Campbell)
Darryl Smith
Erwin Smith
Sharon Smith (Schultz)
David Speilburg
Mary Storbeck (Nicholson)
Toni Talarico (Vesper)
Bonnie Thayer
Ellen Thayer (Meadows)
Wendi Thompson (Fair)
Sue Vining (Pace)
Carol Wagg (McCabe)
Sharon Warshefski (Paris)
Peter Whipple
Katherine Willey (Hanselman)
Harold Wolfe
Keith Zick